Monday, March 8, 2010

"I Do My Thing" -- Best Song of 2010 So Far

This is the first leak off CuDi's sophomore album, Cudder: The Revolution of Evolution.  Why is this the best song of 2010?  Well, peep the checklist that I made for you skeptical bastids:

3/5 on the best song checklist?  Not bad at all.  No, it doesn't have that fat Palestinian DJ Khaled shouting, "WE THE BEST!!" (which would make it awesomely bad-- like a Keanu Reeves movie)  And no, Le Presidente de Conguero Poncho Sanchez doesn't incite a riot on the conga, but with all things considered-- dope song.  Ch-ch-check it out:


Thank/Blame the (2)DopeBoyz

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